martes, 2 de abril de 2019

Mediterranean diet- English.


It is a very good food, when you visit 
Málaga, for example, you should to eat
paella, a lot of fish, meet, put olive oil 
in bread for the breakfast. It is a healthy
habit, because have very good products. 
There are some countries that use the
mediterranean diet, and this there are: 
Italy, Portugal, French, Spain…..

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019

Statistics about how many boys and girls usually practice 
in differents sports.

there are in 5A 16%boys that play fútbol and 12 girls that play fútbol but
in 5B play 18 girls fútbol and 11 boys play fútbol.

En 5A juegan al fútbol un 16% de niños juegan al fútbol y
un 12%de niñas
 juegan al fútbol y en 5B juegan un 18% de niñas juegan al
fútbol y un 11% de
niños juegan al fútbol